Monday, March 5, 2012

Smiles for Mommy

I'm back to student-teaching. I had hoped to finish it before having Samuel, but he had other ideas. He decided to try to arrive at 25 weeks, so I was put on bedrest half-way through my student-teaching position.

Now, he's 10 weeks old and I'm back in the classroom. I have to leave this little face everyday:

It's so hard bc he's now starting to smile at me and kick his little legs when he hears me or sees me. But it's all worth it when I pick him up at the end of my day and he smiles at me. :)

It's hard to leave him when this wasn't what I had planned (isn't it funny that I can still think that MY plans determine the path of my life when I ask God to guide me???). But God reminded me this morning of this promise:

"I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you" - Psalm 32:8

God's best for me is always BEST, better than I could ever imagine, even if it's not always fun at the time. I just need to remember that and relish in baby smiles and kicks at the end of the day :)


  1. I struggle with MY plans too, Mia. I was just talking about this with one of my student's mom this morning, who is struggling right now because her plans have been turned upside down. It's so hard when we don't see the big picture. What an encouraging verse though. I will have to share that with her! Thanks for taking time out of your busy life to share some encouragement! :)

    1. You're welcome! :) I love seeing how things that have encouraged me are just what others need too!
