Friday, March 9, 2012

baby carriers

humor me for a moment and let me write an entire entry about a mommy issue - baby carriers.
I have tried a few slings/carriers/moby wrap and am having no luck! :(

I ordered a sling, and it seemed the right size, but when my husband tried to put Samuel in it (yes, in our house it's a 2-person job), there was not enough room...

I tried the carrier on the front of my body, the kind that looks backpack-ish, and Samuel hated it. I can't blame him, it was snug in all the right places, but his head seemed to have no support and it seemed like his body was just dangling...

I tried the MobyWrap and it seemed like a form of toture getting Samuel in it. (he actually screamed the whole time - not that I blame him on this either, wouldn't you scream if you had a nervous, clueless person trying to strap you to her body using only an incredibly long strip of fabric?) Also, I felt unsure that this wrap would hold him securely - so I held him up with my arms negating the point of the carrier....::sigh::

So, I'm at a loss - maybe Samuel and I are not compatible for carrier-life. Any suggestions???


  1. I have used MANY carriers. By far my favorite is the Ergo. I know that you need an infant insert for the beginning though. I also have a Maya Wrap sling and Rachel my third loved it as an infant. I still use the Ergo the most on a day to day basis especially grocery shopping now. I have not tried a Beco or Mai Tai. I had a homemade Moby with Mary and she enjoyed it a lot, but I did not prefer the wrapping constantly. Hope that helps :)

  2. Caleb did well with the the Baby Bjorn type carrier when he was first born - He's not been feeling it in recent months, though & now Daddy is searching for a REAL hiking carrier - a manly one, of course. =)
