Monday, October 1, 2012

the BEST gifts

It's funny how God will teach us even when we've "not found the time" to sit and learn from Him every day.

Life has been crazy lately - Samuel is now mobile, and moving fast. So, the time I had while he would lie and play is now consumed with chasing him around and trying to stay one step ahead of him in order to head off any major accident. (When did he grow up?! :( )

Needless to say, at the end of the day, I'm tired, and the laundry I do at 10:00 each night is usually the last thing I do before crashing into bed. I hate that. I want to have time to sit and learn and talk with God. I want to have time carved out everyday for Him - that needs to be a priority, regardless of erratic nap schedules and adorably clumsy baby boys.

But, God knows my heart, and teaches me in quiet moments throughout the day.

I want to share one lesson He taught me in the stillness of a napping baby on my chest.

Samuel NEEDED a nap. He was miserable. He, however, doesn't want to miss a moment of life, so refuses to nap more than necessary. This day was no different, except that he was miserable from his short naps during that week. I rocked him, sang to him, but nothing worked to get him to sleep - he had the hiccups.

So as I sat on the bed in the nursery, I prayed and prayed for God to take away his hiccups so my baby boy could get some sleep he so desperately needed.

God did a funny thing - He didn't take away Samuel's hiccups. He simply allowed him to fall asleep and then they stopped. But he didn't fall asleep while I was sitting and rocking him in order to put him back in his crib. He fell asleep lying on my chest in bed.

You see, this doesn't seem special to you, but to me, it was extremely special. and God knew that.
I've always wanted Samuel to fall asleep on me that way, so we could rest together. But he never has - he would only sleep on his daddy that way until that afternoon.

In the quiet of that nursery, God didn't answer MY prayer against the hiccups, but He answered the DESIRE of my heart. He knew what gift to give me that afternoon - He knew better than I, what I wanted. Like always.

So I savored that sweet, squishy baby boy on my chest and we napped together - I was more exhausted than I realized. But God knew. :)

His ways are ALWAYS higher and better than our ways. His gifts are always BETTER than we could ever ask or think.


This boy... my favorite gift of all!

1 comment:

  1. Caleb rarely does that, too! :( When he does, I never want it to end!!
