Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Sunday night, Samuel wore shoes in a size 1. Monday morning, he needed a 2. No joke. Things are changing so quickly!! This little boy is growing up faster than I like!!

He's now eating solid food. LOVES sweet potatoes! He was crying because I wasn't getting them in his mouth fast enough. He was grabbing my hand and shoving the spoon into his mouth and would pull it out wanting more. Daddy said he'd only eat them with brown sugar and cinnamon - Samuel showed him! Here's hoping for a child who makes healthy choices.

On that note, I've started making his food with our baby bullet. It's my new hobby. I LOVE buying the organic produce and making his food at home. I feel so much better with him eating that than the "organic" baby food I find in the stores that contains lots of other ingredients...aka tuna oil in his pears to add DHA. Hmmm...

I will admit that I buy some jarred baby food to have in case we need it or we're out without his homemade food. Don't judge. :)

Samuel is now grabbing toys - it's so nice to hand him a toy to entertain him and he holds it himself. He's formed an attachment to the blanket in that picture. He eats it, growls at it, nuzzles it, and complains to it. (He's a complainer...he'll moan and groan as long as someone will listen and talk back. ha)

He's also started to put EVERYTHING in his mouth. He's drooling everywhere and chewing on everything - my arm when I'm changing his diaper, my face when he's playing, anyone's fingers who will hold his hand. Is it possible that he's teething at 4 months old??

Josh and I are about to reach a milestone. We may be dicontinuing the use of his breathing monitor. In the past week it's become more of an annoyance than a help because a certain little boy turns circles in his sleep. The monitor comes loose and then alarms, waking us and Samuel. So, I may have to trust in God LOTS these next few weeks until Samuel reaches 6 months old and the risk of SIDS declines.

God gave us this little boy and I have to trust that He'll sustain him. He always can, better than we could ever know how. Isn't that a relief?? :)

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