Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blackberries & Jesus

Strange name? Not really. :) It's been a dream of mine for some time to write a devotional. My husband has been super encouraging about pursuing my dreams - I'm working on the "becoming a professional photographer" part of my dream, starting to learn piano, and thought I needed to begin the "becoming an author" part as well. So, here it is: "Blackberries & Jesus."

The title for this has been in my head about as long as the dream - two of my favorite things that I never get tired of. Granted, Jesus is more important than any fruit, and by no means do I mean He's second place to anything - it's just when you fill a day with all of your favorite things and you lie down that night replaying the day in your head, it all rushes together, but there is one favorite that tops all favorites...that's Jesus. Lots of other things fill my mind as my favorites: cupcakes, my husband, 4 year olds' silliness, napping on a rainy day, the smell of sunscreen, a great bargain, amaryllises, cooking a good meal.... but to list all of those would make the title of my blog much too long. :) So, it's simply "Blackberries & Jesus. A menagerie of my favorite things."

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